Getting started with task runners

Playing with for the first time in production

Posted by Janne Cederberg on Jan. 16, 2016
Categories: Webdev
Tags: node, npm, gulp
Reading time: approx. 2 minute(s)

I’ve been meaning to get acquinted with a web development related task runner like Grunt, Gulp or Webpack for quite a while now. The only reason I’ve been able to “avoid” using them for this long is due to not doing web development fulltime.

So today I figured I need an asset compilation pipeline for minifying JavaScript assets and decided to give Gulp a go. Had been reading enough to know Gulp is the new Grunt. Some would say Webpack is the new Gulp. I decided to go with Gulp due to having seen/heard it mentioned most lately.

What I wanted to achieve

Short and simple, I wanted to be able to streamline minifying and/or obfuscating JavaScript.

I had already set up my (X)ubuntu machine for npm using nvm so getting started with Gulp was straight-forward.


I started by reading this article:


  1. Install Gulp globally by npm install gulp -g
  2. Open shell, cd to project folder.
  3. npm init if you had not done that yet.
  4. npm install gulp gulp-uglify gulp-js-obfuscator --save-dev

As a sidenote, I actually tried multiple obfuscator modules from before settling on gulp-js-obfuscator.

First gulpfile.js

So here’s my first gulpfile.js. No default task, nothing fancy, just tasks to uglify (minify) and obfuscate *.js files in the src directory and place the output files in dist:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    obfuscate = require('gulp-js-obfuscator');

gulp.task('uglify', function() {
    return gulp.src('src/*.js')

gulp.task('obfuscate', function() {
    return gulp.src('src/*.js')

To run the tasks, use gulp uglify and gulp obfuscate on the command line.

Next things to do

One of the next things would be to add jshinting as well as a gulp watch task and support for LiveReload. But I don’t need those at the moment.

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